3 Day Trial
3-Day Trial Dedicated Server
Your use of the Dataplugs dedicated server (Intel Series) during the trial period is governed by the following terms and conditions:
- A 3-Day Trial Service
- During the trial period, we will grant you a Limited License for testing purposes only. You may integrate our dedicated server into your application solely for evaluation. This service is intended for your business use only and may not be applied or used for any other businesses.
- We will make the service available to you on a trial basis free of charge until the earlier of (a) the end of the free trial period or (b) the subscription start date.
- Your trial period will commence when Dataplugs sends you an e-mail confirmation of your access details to the service.
- Your trial period will automatically end after 3 days. If you wish to extend your trial period please consult with our Dataplugs Sales Team.
- Dataplugs makes no service level commitments to free trial customers.
- We do not provide Standard support services for free trial users.
- During your trial period, service is free of charge on an AS-IS BASIS without warranty. Dataplugs do not warrant the accuracy or correctness of any data provided through the service.
- If you wish to upgrade to our full standard service, please send us an e-mail.
- Dataplugs reserves the right to suspend, limit, and terminate the Service at any time, for any reason without notice during the trial period.
- We are not liable for any damages of any kind related to your use of the Service. If you wish to subscribe to our service after the 3-day trial period, your data may be permanently removed and will not be recoverable.
- Dataplugs owns any intellectual property rights in the service.
- By accessing or using the services through the Dataplugs website, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.
- A valid business registration certificate can only be used once for the 3-Day trial service.
- Any customer who has breached or whose account has been suspended or terminated due to the breach of the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy has automatically forfeited the right to use this service.