How to add and create custom menus in WordPress

WordPress administration panel allows you to create custom menus that can be displayed in the front-end of your site. Log in to the admin panel, go to Appearance and select Menus.
Click on create a new menu link at the top of the page.
Enter the menu name in the field and click on the Create Menu button.

There are blocks for adding posts, links, categories, tags, format, and pages but some blocks are hidden by default.
To make them visible, click on the Screen Options button at the top right-hand corner and check on the boxes.

To add an item on to the menu, click on one of the blocks, and select the item you would like to add, and then click on the Add to Menu button.
To rearrange the order of the items, point the mouse over to the item and use the drag-and-drop technique.
You can also make sub-menus within the menu. Just drag and drop under the item to which you want to be subordinate.

To delete a custom menu, click on the Delete Menu button.
If you checked on the box labelled automatically add new top-level pages, new pages will automatically be added so it is best to disable it.
Each menu items has its options. If you would like to configure the items, click on the arrow next to the name of the item.
You will then see a panel with a few settings. The Navigation Label is the name displayed for an item on the frontend.
The Title Attribute (by default it’s blank) appears when a visitor hovers the mouse pointer over the link.
There is also a button for removing the item from the menu. Additional menu item options can be added from the screen options.
Be sure to click on the Save Menu button once you are finished.

To replace a default theme menu with a custom menu, go to Appearance menu > Menus sub-menu and click on the Manage Locations tab at the top of the page.
Once open, select a custom menu to replace each of the default menus supported by the theme; however, supported menus depend on its theme.
Most themes have at least one menu (a top navigation bar) but not all theme supports.
To add another custom menu to the front end of your website, use the Custom Menu widget.
Go to Appearance menu>Widgets sub-menu, add the widget to a particular sidebar and use its settings to choose the custom menu that you want to be displayed.


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