How to add and edit tags in WordPress

In WordPress, you can assign one or more tags to your posts/articles.
Tags are displayed on the frontend either under the content of the post or under the title (depending on the theme your using),
and when a user clicks on the tag, all post associated with the tag will be listed.

If you wish to add or edit tag, you must first log in to the admin panel and go to Posts menu > Tags submenu. If you have already added tags, you will see a list of the most popular tags.
There is a form for adding new tags on the left-hand side of the page and on the right-hand side of the page there is a table with the existing tags.
The table consists of a few columns (Name, Description, Slug, Posts) displaying relevant information for each tag.
You can manage which columns are to be shown and to be hidden.
To do this click, on the Screen Options button on the top right-hand corner of the page and mark/unmark the respective checkboxes.
There is a Bulk Actions drop-down menu at the top and bottom of the table. You can delete tags simultaneously.
To do this, check the box corresponding to the tags you would like to delete then select the Delete button
from the Bulk Actions drop-down menu and click on the Apply button.

If you position the mouse pointer over the row you want, it will display some buttons under the name for that particular tag.
Clicking on the respective buttons allows you to delete tags and view tag pages on the frontend.
With the Quick Edit button you can edit the name and slug of the tag, while the Edit button will redirect you to the edit form. It is similar to the add form.
There is a text field for the name of the tag and another one for the slug.
If you leave the Slug field empty, WordPress will create a slug automatically based on the name of the tag.
You could also add a description for the tag. Whether it will be displayed on the front end depends on the particular theme.