In this hot Summer, Dataplugs offers you a cool promotion! Rent any of our dedicated server and get free dedicated international bandwidth upgrade to 20Mbps for the full length of your subscription (originally 10Mbps). Our plans’ payment terms range from 1 to 12 months, which offer more flexibility to fit into all budgets and business needs. This upgrade is valued at HKD $4,000 per month and is only available until 31st of August 2017 (GMT+8)! Take the chance and subscribe now to support the global expansion of your business! Discover more about the promotion by clicking here.
Dataplugs offers large range of fully customizable configurations: Intel i3 to i7 cores, Xeon E3 to the latest E5-2600 v4 series CPU, 4 to 64GB RAM and 1TB to 8TB by default. Discover our server plans in details. Order on/before the 31st of August and save up to HKD $4,000 per month. Extra discounts are offered starting from 3-month subscription.
Take advantage of the strategically located Hong Kong Tier 3+ Data Centers! Hong Kong is not only considered as the exchange hub in Asia Pacific Region but also in international market. At Dataplugs, we work with the biggest and most stable carriers offering the CN2 route directly linked to mainland China.
Loving the word “scalability”, all customers can easily upgrade their original plans to get more storage, more speed and top up with additional LAN card, dedicated IP addresses or choosing other OS following their wishes. Our around the clock sales and support team are also available for helping you to select the plan that can fit the most to your business. Custom solution from A to Z is also available if your business need specific requirements.
Believe on your business success, trust Dataplugs!