Whitelist or blacklist an email address
Click on “Spam Filters” icon at Mail area.
Click on “Show Additional Configurations” button.
Click on “Edit Spam Whitelist / Blacklist Settings” to configure the Spam Filters whitelist / blacklist settings.
Click “Add A New “whitelist_from” Item” to add an email address to the whitelist.
Enter the email address in the whitelist_from text box, then click Update Whitelist (whitelist_from) to save your changes.
• user@example.com — Whitelists a single email address.
• *@example.com — Whitelists all of the addresses at example.com.
• ?ser@example.com — Whitelists a single character in an address at example.com (for example, user@example.com, but not Auser@example.com).
Click “Add A New “Blacklist_form” Item” to add an email address to the Blacklist.
Enter the email address in the Blacklist_from text box. then click Update Blacklist (blacklist_from) to save your changes.
• user@example.com — Blacklists a single email address.
• *@example.com — Blacklists all of the addresses at example.com.
• ?ser@example.com — Blacklists a single character in an address at example.com (for example, user@example.com, but not Auser@example.com).